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Calabrian Chili Pizza Crostini

Prep Time
2h 30m
Cook Time

Blissful bites of cheesy goodness served on crispy French bread with fresh herbs and a hint of spice.  I have to say it's been a long journey since my very first attempt at pizza toast (a slice of Wonderbread with ketchup and a slice of American Cheese prepared in a microwave when I was 8 years old) to this Calabrian chili and honey topped pizza crostini.  I highly recommend you try the latter - and definitely not the prior.  I wouldn't go so far as calling the sauce a labor of love - it requires minimal work but needs time to simmer low and slow to develop flavor, like all good things in life.   @sophandspice   @thefeedfeed


Blissful bites of cheesy goodness served on crispy French bread with fresh herbs and a hint of spice.  I have to say it's been a long journey since my very first attempt at pizza toast (a slice of Wonderbread with ketchup and a slice of American Cheese prepared in a microwave when I was 8 years old) to this Calabrian chili and honey topped pizza crostini.  I highly recommend you try the latter - and definitely not the prior.  I wouldn't go so far as calling the sauce a labor of love - it requires minimal work but needs time to simmer low and slow to develop flavor, like all good things in life.   @sophandspice   @thefeedfeed




Make the Sauce

1 can Red Gold® Whole Peeled Tomatoes 28 oz2 tablespoons butter2 tablespoons olive oil6 garlic cloves, grated2 teaspoons red pepper flakes2 teaspoons Italian seasoning1/2 white onion, large1 sprig of basil, + handful of fresh leavessalt & pepper, to taste

Make the Crostini

1 sliced baguetteolive oil, drizzle1 garlic clove2 balls of burrataCalabrian chili saucefresh basil, chopped for toppinghoney, drizzle


  • Start by making the sauce - open the can of Red Gold Whole Peeled Tomatoes and process them with a masher or immersion blender. You want to break them down but not completely smooth - leave them a bit chunky. 
  • Heat the butter and olive oil in a pan over medium heat, then add the grated garlic, red pepper flakes, and Italian seasoning, sauté until fragrant.  Pour in the tomatoes, then add the halved onion and basil sprig. 
  • When the sauce comes to a simmer, lower the heat, cover it with a lid and leave it to cook for as long as you possibly can, minimum one hour. Then remove the lid and cook for another half hour until the sauce has thickened. Salt and pepper to taste. Remove it from the heat, stir in lots of fresh basil leaves and allow it to cool.
  • Cut the baguette into 1-inch slices, place them on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and bake in a 400°F oven for 5 minutes or until lightly toasted. Rub with a clove of garlic when they come out of the oven.
  • Spoon a bit of tomato sauce over each slice. Break apart the burrata and spread it over the sauce on each slice. Then bake in the oven for about 10 minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  • Spoon on the Calabrian chili sauce, sprinkle with fresh basil and finish with a drizzle of honey. Serve hot.
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